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What’s Your Super Power?

What’s Your Super Power?

Johnny was born with a rare condition called Hydranencephaly. Hydranencephaly is when the brain’s cerebral hemispheres are absent to varying degrees and the remaining cranial cavity is filled with cerebrospinal fluid. Unfortunately, little Johnny was given a very grim outlook when he was diagnosed just after birth. His parents remember being in shock that their seemly perfect baby was essentially living without the majority of his brain. The doctors told them Johnny would be “like a baby” his whole life and it was very likely he would pass away before his first birthday.

JohnnyBibJohnny continues to fight the odds daily. Because of his primary condition of Hydranencephaly, he also has Spastic Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy. He is not without limitations, but, he enjoys life every day and lights up the world with his big and contagious smile! He loves to sing, dance, listen to music, and laugh… and laugh… and laugh; so-much-so hearing him laugh will put a smile on your face and brighten your day when watching mom’s Facebook videos.

Johnny celebrated his 4th birthday with a cake fit for a superhero from the super talented Mary Bruhn with MaryBruhnCakes in Rochester, MN. Since they didn’t expect to be able to celebrate just one birthday with Johnny, his family cannot articulate how incredible it was to be celebrating his 4th! His mom states, “Our baker was amazing! She was super flexible with the pickup and delivered it to our house the day of the party! The cake was not only amazingly awesome, but also delicious! We’re forever grateful for this amazing experience!”

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JohnnySideKickOh! We can’t forget to mention… in other exciting news… Johnny’s mom calls him their “little superhero”… soon to be “big brother” as mom is expecting another little superhero in April 2016! Congratulations from the Icing Smiles family!

In retrospect, if I had to say what Johnny’s exact super power is, it would definitely be being the ‘happiest kid on earth.’ His extraordinary ability to make others smile with his grins and laughter is immensely epic. To keep up with all of Johnny’s amazing adventures follow him on Facebook!

What’s your super power?