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Courageous Cohen

Courageous Cohen

When little Cohen was a month old his parents received a phone call from the Pediatrician that would change their lives forever. The Newborn Screening Test revealed an abnormality in baby Cohen’s body. The abnormal screening was Cystic Fibrosis. Hearing this news devastated them.

After a month of testing, it was confirmed, Cohen indeed had two gene mutations causing Cystic Fibrosis. Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a genetic disorder that causes a buildup of thick mucus that clogs up the lungs and digestive organs. Mucus is a slippery substance your body secretes to cover and protect the lungs, digestive system, reproductive system, and other organs and tissues. CF causes the body to produce excess mucus that is abnormally thick and sticky, which can lead to a variety of health problems. If the condition is identified early and treatment has begun, many of the symptoms of CF can be controlled and children can live longer, healthier lives.

Everyday Cohen has two breathing treatments using a nebulizer which loosens the thick mucus in his lungs. This is followed by a 20 minute vest treatment. The special vest fills up with air and oscillates to clear the loosened mucus out of his chest. Due to the mucus clogging the pancreas ducts, his pancreas cannot absorb the nutrients he needs. He takes 10 pancreatic enzymes a day, taken with every meal and snacks. Cohen also takes numerous other supplements each day for his health and to strengthen his immune system. Through all of this Cohen is a happy little boy and such a blessing to his family!Cohen1

Cohen’s 3D Olaf cake was created by Sugar Angel Christine Leaming in Spokane, WA. The family shared, “Thank you so much Icing Smiles! Cohen as well as everyone at his birthday party enjoyed his wonderful cake. You truly made his 2nd birthday special.”

See more of Cohen’s story here.

Please watch Cohen’s video here.