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Celebrating Six Years for Skilyr

Celebrating Six Years for Skilyr

Skilyr, known as Bambam to his family and friends, was diagnosed with cancer at age three. Doctors found a malignant tumor in his optic nerve, four tumors in his brain, and two spinal tumors. He underwent 52 weeks of chemotherapy to treat the tumors.

Skilyr has neurofibromatosis (NF). Neurofibromatosis is a genetic condition that predisposes individuals to tumors in the nervous system. It often results in developmental delays, learning disabilities, and childhood cancers.  Bambam continues to have weekly doctor appointments and because of NF and side-effects of intensive chemotherapy, he struggles with physical and learning disabilities.

Through all of this, Bambam is the “happiest and [most] caring little boy.” His family is proud of his strength and joy through all of his six years. They celebrated his sixth birthday with a charming cake from Tamara Carroll, our Icing Smiles Sugar Angel. Just like the smiles brought by this cake, we know he will continue to fight NF and be the cheerful and loving little boy who “puts a smile on everyone’s face.”

To follow Bambam’s journey and learn about NF, see his Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1686052734800172/

For more beautiful cakes by Texas-based baker Tamara, visit https://www.facebook.com/TCCakesbyTamaraCarroll.

With smiles + cake,

Molly Sargen

Icing Smiles Blog Writer