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Arizona Beats the Odds

Arizona Beats the Odds

Arizona Heskeyahu Acevedo was born a month and a half early, making her premature with an array of complications. Only two days after her birth, Arizona needed an appendectomy and also jejunal atresia surgery to repair a life-threatening intestinal blockage.

After her surgery, she stopped breathing several times, had significant blood loss and required a blood transfusion. During her surgery, doctors discovered that she had a low white blood cell count, and further testing showed an imbalance translocation with chromosomes 19 and 5. After being in the NICU for a month, Arizona was diagnosed with Cri Du Chat Syndrome, which is a very rare chromosomal disorder. She has had to endure eye surgery at the age of 4 and spine surgery at 7. She also does spinal lengthening procedures every 3 months.

Doctors told Sherri that Arizona would not live past one year old. They were told that Arizona would not be able to function in life, that she would not be able to walk or talk. But this strong young lady has continuously beaten the odds! Although a little unbalanced, she can walk some on her own. She has some vocabulary and also signs, exceeding all expectations of her doctors. She constantly fights to persevere on a daily basis. She loves and lives life to the fullest and is so happy!

To celebrate Arizona’s spinal surgery completion, Sugar Angel Martha, of Roxana’s Cakes, created the perfect two-tiered, light pink and blue, winter wonderland cake with huge snowflakes. When Arizona saw her cake she had a smile that lit up the entire room. She was so excited to have a cake made especially for her. This is why sugar angels do what they do!

With Smiles,

Chasity Brown

Icing Smiles Blog Writer